So it has been a super long time since I have updated the good old blog! In fact the last post I did was Jayce's birth story. Which is super funny because Jayce is two now. I thought I would blog about how Owen made his entrance onto the planet we call Earth. Also before I started I just wanted to say that all women who have had a baby no matter what way that baby came is freaking amazing! Pregnancy, labor, and giving birth is intense! So to all the women out there I think you are powerful, brave, warrior women!
Owen Russell Bradford was born on Sunday, March 20th at 5:12 am. He weighed 8 pounds even and was 20 inches long. About three days before Owen's due date or guess date as some call it I decided I was done being pregnant. I informed Trevor of this Friday night and said that Saturday we were going to do everything to encourage this baby to come out. Jayce came five days before his due date so I was getting a little anxious. Saturday morning we started by cleaning the garage. After we were done we then started cleaning up the yard. We weeded all the flower beds, cleaned out all the window wells and under the back porch. By the time we were done we were tired and I was having a contraction here and there but they weren't consistent. So after lunch we decided to go to Home Depo. When we got to the parking lot my contractions weren't close but they were a little more intense. I stayed in the Rav4 and wiggled around while Trevor and Jayce looked at trees at Home Depo. When we got home from Home Depo me, Trevor, and Jayce made and ate dinner. Trevor then suggested we go for a car ride out to Three Peaks in Cedar. So we drove around the bumpy roads for a hour or two. When we finally got home it was 10 pm. I had been having contractions here and there but they weren't very close. So I then got all pretty and we did the intimate thing that married couples do because man something had to get things going. Afterwards Trevor went to sleep and I layed down. I woke up a little bit later because my contractions were getting a little more painful and I was still partially in denial that things were happening. So I called my brother Justin to let him know he was on standby to come pick up Jayce when it was go time. This was about midnight. Afterwards I really couldn't fall back asleep so I got out the good old trusty yoga ball and bounced and leaned over whenever a contraction hit. I even pulled out my hospital bag that I had packed and started eating my special snacks (cups of fruit, cookies, candy) that I had gotten specifically for when I was in labor. A girl has to keep her strength up you know. At around 2 am I noticed that my pajama bottoms were soaked so I woke up Trevor and informed him that my water had broke and that it was go time. I called Justin and started to gather my things together. I was actually really calm about the whole thing. Justin got to our house around 2:30 am and gathered up Jayce. That silly brother of mine kept trying to ask me questions while I was in the middle of a contraction. I kept having to tell him to wait, Apparently I look way too calm when I am in labor. Whatever. Me and Trevor finally started on our way to the hospital around 3 am. The whole ride there I kept telling Trevor I don't think I am really in labor and he would say just wait a few minutes and then I would have a contraction again and then I would moan a little bit and say nevermind. At this point they were only four minutes apart. Trevor parked the car and we calmly walked through the emergency entrance and checked into labor and delivery. I asked to be checked and again I had trouble with that darn hospital gown. I don't even know why I bother because I just rip it off later anyways. When the nurse confirmed I was dilated to a 6-6.5 I asked if I could be moved to the room with the jetted tubes and have a yoga ball since I wasn't getting an epideral. She was super nice and lead me right there. For the next hour I happily sat in the jetted tub while Trevor took a quick nap. We officially got all settled in at the hospital at 3:30 am. A little past 4 am my CNM (certified nurse midwife) Laurie came in and asked if I wanted to have a baby now. I said you betcha! She checked me and I was dilated to about an eight and broke the last bit of my water and ta da I dilated right to a 10. Things really did go quicker the second time around for me! Since I was fully dilated she said I could start pushing with contractions whenever I was ready. So the nurse raised the bed up a little bit for me and I turned around onto my hands and knees and started to push with the contractions. Oh man did I forget what it felt like to have a baby start to crown in your yahoo. They call that the ring of fire time for a reason man. That is the one time that I wish I had done an epideral! I can handle regular contractions alright but the ring of fire man is intense. Luckily Owen was facing the right way so the CNM didn't have to turn him like she had to with Jayce. I also don't swear when I am pushing out a baby either but I really am not much of a swearer on a regular basis either. However, whenever I was pushing I kept yelling that I was not having any more kids! The whole ring of fire/ pushing ordeal only took about 5 minutes though so it really wasn't too bad. Although this time my hips were killing me while I was pushing so the CNM had Trevor come over and push my hips together whenever I started to push. Surprising that did bring some relief. I love my CNM she makes the daddies work! Trevor also helped deliver Owen and cut the cord which was super cool. Right after Owen came out I pulled him right up to my chest while I was still on all fours. I just kept saying I love you! I love you! It was a super cool and powerful experience and a little less stressful then Jayce's birth was because I kinda knew what to expect this time around. Afterwards I just held Owen and Trevor fell back asleep. We got to the hospital a little after 3 am and Owen was born at 5:12 am. Overall everything went really fast this time! After I was done holding Owen and nursed him for a little bit I took a lovely shower by myself and had breakfast. Trevor was passed out on the couch all through this, I was on an aderaline high the whole next two days. Mommy, Daddy, and big brother Jayce love you so much Owen! We are so glad you have joined our family!