We are onto the fifth and final Bradford kiddo birth story. This is Tavin Lynn Bradford's story of how he entered earthside. It's definitely bittersweet to write about my last planned baby. Excited to never be uncomfortably pregnant again and not have to go through labor but this is the last time I will hold one of my fresh newborns and bring them home to meet their siblings. Onto the story! On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 I woke up feeling a bit anxious because I hadn't felt baby Tavin move in the belly. Ate an orange and a smoothie and after a while he finally gave me a big old kick to the ribs! I was definitely done being pregnant and was just so tired. I had had contractions the whole week before but they would stop after a time. This morning I thought it was much the same so I picked up the house, sent my oldest three boys to school and tried to keep the current toddler (McKay) out of trouble. Around lunch time I decided I really needed a good turkey sandwich and informed Trevor of this when he came home for lunch. So I packed myself and McKay up in the car and drove to the Silver Silo on the other side of Cedar to buy my sandwich. On the way I called my sister Rachel and told her I was so done with being pregnant and that I was having random contractions again. During that 40 minute conversation I had about 3-4 more contractions and Rachel begged me to please call Mom. My mom had missed the other births because I always called her too late. I also needed to get to the birthing suite in the hospital a little earlier then I usually did because I tested positive for the group strep b test and needed an antibiotic treatment or two while I was in labor before I pushed the baby out. I did call my mom and told her what had been going on and she begged me to go get checked at the hospital. I then called Trevor and informed him of what was going on and he said he would meet me at home in 10 minutes. So McKay and I drove home and I ate my delicious turkey sandwich. Trevor showed up and we grabbed all of our bags and took McKay over to the Howe's house. The Howe's are our awesome neighbors who were in charge of all the other boys while we were having a baby. The whole way to the birthing suite in the hospital I told Trevor they are going to send me home! He would wait until I had another contraction and then I would say never mind lets go! We checked into the birthing suite around 3:30 pm and low and behold I was at 4 cm! The nurse quickly got me started on my first round of antibiotics. It only took about 20 ish minutes and then she unhooked me and I was then free to do my thing. I was a little worried because my CNM Josie Jensen was out of town so Doctor Johnson from Cedar Ridge Family Medicine was covering for her. The nurse quickly assured me that he was super mellow jello and was familiar with the birthing suite. I started wandering the labor and delivery halls during contractions and called my friend Corrine who then proceeded to tell me funny stories to keep me distracted. I didn't want to stay in the room because I didn't like feeling cooped up. My mom got to the birthing suite around 5:30 pm so I talked with her and Trevor for a bit during more contractions in the room. After a while I wandered the halls again and called my baby brother Jared and demanded that he sing me a Broadway or pop song during contractions to keep me distracted. My sweet brother obeyed. It really hurts to laugh by the way during a contraction. At 7:10 pm I needed to be hooked up again to receive my second dose of antibiotics and I was dilated to 8 cm. I decided to rock and stay on my hands and knees on the big old bed to get through the last bit. Every time a contraction hit then I yelled at Trevor to please squeeze my hips together to help relieve some of the pain and he quickly did. When I got to 9 cm I yelled that Trevor needed to please get the snip snip because I was not doing this again! I then screeched I was pooping and peeing on the bed which I did a little bit but it was more of my water breaking and the baby's head was coming down like a freaking bolder and that ring of fire man is no joke! The nurse and doctor quickly ran into the room and the doctor climbed right up on the bed behind me to assist and even had Trevor catch the baby because I was too busy screeching and clinging to a stack of pillows while on my hands and knees. It was the first time Trevor got to catch a baby because normally I hang onto him. Tavin you quickly entered this world and you are absolutely freaking perfect! You came out with a full head of red brown hair. The same current color as your Daddy's. Grandma Liz even got to cut your umbilical cord. You weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and were 20 inches long and was born at 7:51 pm. We sure love you Tator Tot!
Tales of a Bradford Wife Named Sly
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Saturday, February 1, 2020
McKay's Birth Story
Alright! I found the good old blog again! I also saved my other children's birth stories into a digital file on my computer so that if this blog ever does get lost there is another digital copy somewhere! Ya for my paranoia! Onto McKay's birth story! When I found out I was pregnant with baby number #4 I thought since the last home birth went so well why don't we do that again! So we did! Side note: McKay you were definitely a surprise baby because your mommy swears there was no missed birth control this time. However, thinking back on the timeline you were probably conceived when me and your daddy went on that awesome trip to China back in April 2019 and somehow you overcame the birth control with your ninja powers and yes son you were made in China! Now that I have thoroughly embarrassed ya I want ya to know that yes you were a big surprise but you are always so wanted and loved! When I was 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant I remember sitting up at 2 am early that morning and crying because I was so darn fat and just knew I was going to be pregnant forever. Hello 38 pounds of weight gain. Yikes! So when I woke up again at 8:30 am and started having beginning contractions I just thought I wish those darn Braxton Hicks would go away! I got up and took care of the animals and made Jayce his lunch for school. I then started my normal routine of picking up the house and getting Owen and Aiden ready for the day all while wishing those darn Braxton Hicks would go away. I am pretty sure Trevor knew what was up because he kept asking me if he should stay home from work. I told him I was fine and that I was going to take Owen and Aiden to Daycare and then go out to lunch with some friends. So Trevor took the two boys to Daycare and went to work. My friend Candice did end up picking me up to go to lunch because the contractions were getting kind of painful. We were a sight me and Candice. When we got to the lunch place I kept having to stop and breath during a contraction and Candice would offer me her arm to lean on (bless her heart, she was 32 weeks pregnant herself with her sixth baby!) We met our other friends Cheryl, Adrienne and Rachel and I proceeded to happily eat and laugh in between contractions. On the way back to the car my mom called and asked how I was doing. I had texted her earlier that morning and mentioned I might be going into labor later that day. I told her I was fine and that I was probably just experiencing some super early contractions. My mom was planning on being there this time for this home birth. When I got back home around noon with Owen and Aiden I decided to call Trevor and have him come home. He did. Good thing too because things started to really hurt. I then called my mom a little after 1 pm and mentioned she should probably get off work early and start to make her way down. She was about a 3 1/2 hour drive away. Around 2 pm contractions really started to hurt so I called my Midwife, the wonderful Elizabeth Smith again and mentioned that she should be ready to come down. She asked if she should come down now and I said Na. I was an idiot! I'm so paranoid about jumping the gun that it was almost too late this time! Around 3 pm my Midwife called me and asked if she should come now and I said yes please! Contractions were really hurting by now. She jumped in her car and made it to our house in a little under a hour (she lives all the way in St. George). On the way she called her assistant Rachel to come and was so worried that she wasn't going to make it in time that she told Trevor to call her if the baby started coming out and she could talk him through on what to do. She also called a birth worker named Kayce she knew in Cedar to come over and hang out with us until she could get there. Contractions were really hurting by now so I climbed into the tub and was doing everything I could to just get through them. Trevor was amazing! He was so calm and didn't complain once as I squeezed the life out of his arms. Trevor was going to take Owen and Aiden to Candice's house but in a panic I told him he was not allowed to leave me alone for even 5 minutes! Things were getting real people. Around 4 pm Kayce the birthworker from Cedar arrived and gently started to talk to me. Jayce also came home from school. Trevor asked Jayce if he wanted to watch a movie (Owen and Aiden had thankfully fallen asleep while watching a movie) and Jayce replied I want to watch the baby be born. So we said okay! Around 4:15 pm Liz the Midwife and her assistant Rachel showed up and boy was I soooooo happy to see them! Liz has been delivering babies for about 33 years and boy does it show! There is just something so calming and confident about her during childbirth that it just seems to automatically transfer to the laboring mother or at least for me it does! At about 4:35 pm I was still in the tub and Liz mentioned that it looked like the baby was stuck behind my pubic bone. She mentioned if I laid down on my back and pushed on the next contraction or two it would get the baby out in a jiffy. It did! McKay, you slide right out into the water and the Midwife scooped you up and put you on my chest. I wouldn't let Trevor catch the baby because I was too busy clutching his arms during contractions! McKay, you lifted your little head right up and looked right at me with those big eyes! It was amazing! After your mommy got all cleaned up (she didn't tear at all, yahoo!) me and you moved to the bed and got to rest! Jayce said that was his first time watching a baby be born and it was something! Sadly my mom, your Grandma Liz didn't make it in time for your birth but she did show up a little bit after. I should have told her to hurry up and come earlier, oh well. McKay Melvin Bradford you were born on Monday, January 6th at 4:45 pm and weighed 7 pounds and 2 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long. You were also the Midwife Elizabeth Smith's 1,600 baby she has helped deliver! You are pretty stellar son and we are so thankful you are part of our family!
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Aiden's Birth Story
I found the good old blog again! I figured since Jayce and Owen's birth stories are on here I might as well put Aiden's on here too. This time I really do need to save the link to this blog just in case my hard copies are all destroyed. Plus, my children will know that their mother did bother to do some memory keeping! Onto the story of Aiden's birth! Well in a nutshell Aiden was born right in the middle of the living room floor in our Enoch house and yes it was on purpose and not on accident! When I was about 20 weeks pregnant I kept having anxiety every time I thought about giving birth in a hospital again. I was seeing the same CNM who delivered both Jayce and Owen at the hospital who is awesome by the way, but I felt this time I needed to look into doing something different. My postpartum experience at the hospital after Owen was kinda rough so that was one factor that caused a push to look into something else. I had been thinking about doing a home birth for a few years but didn't feel the need to pursue it until then. So I started researching online and asking around to find out some more information about local home birth midwives. I found one and she is golden! Her name is Elizabeth Smith. She is based out of St. George and has been a midwife for over 32 years and has delivered over 1,500 babies! There was definitely some divine intervention that led me to find her because she wasn't the first person to pop up on google! Anyways, I gave her a call and set up a meeting with her, me and Trevor so we could decide if it would be a good fit. We ended up talking to her for almost 2 hours and I felt that this was definitely the midwife we needed to hire to aide us in our home birth adventure! The rest of my pregnancy went smoothly and I continued my prenatal care with Elizabeth. When I got down to almost the last month I put together all of my home birth supplies, checked off the last minute prenatal labs I wanted done, and went over many emergency birthing scenarios with Elizabeth and Trevor where I would be transferred to a hospital. She has a really good relationship with the local hospital providers that I know well and trust. The Saturday I was about 39 weeks pregnant I was feeling pretty prepared. Personally, I thought that Aiden wouldn't come for another few days because that was the pattern that my previous two children followed. Also my mom was across the country in Washington DC with my little brother Jared on choir tour and the baby couldn't come while she was gone because she was part of the planned birth team. That afternoon I started to feel some light contractions. I kept calling them Braxten Hicks but looking back now my husband Trevor knew all along what they really were. I was in full blown denial. I even drove the truck and went grocery shopping during these contractions. Drove my husband a little bit bonkers because I forgot to turn on my ringer on my cellphone so I didn't answer when he called me 3 times in a row. When I finally looked at my phone and called Trevor back he was about ready to drive to the grocery store because I might be having a baby right there! I told him I was almost done shopping and I would come right home. Looking back now those contractions were kinda painful as I was driving the truck down the freeway. I was still in denial though. When I got home Trevor asked me to please call the midwife. This was about 7 pm. I did but I told the midwife that I was maybe having very, very early labor pains and that she didn't need to come yet. Elizabeth just told me to call her if I thought anything was changing. After that my dad called and while I was talking to him I had to keep stopping to breath through some more contractions. He also asked if I was in labor and I told him nope. Like I said denial. Trevor gave up watching me and went out to do some yard work with Jayce and Owen because I was driving him nuts. I calmly picked up my house and settled down to watch some Dr. Who on Amazon while having a contraction here and there. About 9:30 pm the contractions started to really hurt. Trevor got Jayce and Owen to bed and I tried to decide if I was going to call the midwife or not. She lived a hour away so I didn't want her to drive all the way out if nothing was happening. So Trevor suggested I call our neighbor who is an ER nurse to ask if she knew how to check a cervix to see if I was dilating or not down yonder. I called my neighbor and asked. She giggled and said that ER nurses did not have that kind of training, they were only taught how to catch a baby that was coming out and to call labor and delivery at the hospital. I was so embarrassed, but my neighbor was really kind and polite about the whole thing. I then called my other neighbor who is a retired labor and delivery nurse to see if she could come over but she was several hours up North with family at the time. About midnight the contractions were really starting to become painful. I called the midwife. She said that she would be on the road in 5 minutes. I was no longer in denial. I then called my sister Kaylyn because the deal was if I did happen to have my baby when my mom was out of state Kaylyn would come and fill in for her. Bless my angel sister's heart she had mentioned months before that she did not want to ever see a live birth because it would freak her out. However, when I called her crying over the phone a little past midnight that night without hesitation she said I will be in my car driving down to your house in 5 minutes. She truly is an amazing sister! Aiden, I sure hope you know how awesome your Aunt Kaylyn is. About 1 am the midwife showed up and she checked me and I was only dilated to 4 cm. She asked if it would be alright if she took a little nap since she was low on sleep (this was going to be her third delivery within the same week) I said I would be okay dokey and Trevor showed her to the guest bed downstairs. For the next two hours I shifted between the tub, bed and floor. I kept having to ask Trevor to please squeeze my hips because they hurt sooooo bad. My sweet husband kept falling asleep on me. I was a little annoyed. Just when I was about to give up and go wake up the midwife Kaylyn walked through the door. This was a little after 3 am. I have never been so happy to see anyone in my life! My superhero sister spent the next hour squeezing my hips with every contraction while we tried to watch the British Baking Show to keep me calm. A little before 4 am I had Kaylyn wake up the midwife because I was feeling intense pressure down yonder. The midwife quickly and calmly came up into the room and asked if I wanted to deliver in the living room. I said yes because I decided I didn't want to ruin love making in the bedroom forever. She calmly moved all of the birthing supplies from the bedroom to the living room while I yelled at Trevor to wake up. He must of shoot out of bed because he was in the living room within a matter of seconds. I assumed my favorite birthing position which is me kneeling on my hands and knees with my hands and arms slightly raised at an angle on the couch. I told Trevor to sit on the edge of the couch so I could properly grip his arms to stabilize my position. The midwife looked down there right before and announced I was at about a 9-10 cm. She then sat back and said I could push whenever I felt the urge to which I gladly obliged. Right at that moment Owen happened to wake up
so Kaylyn quickly grabbed him and sat a few feet to the side and witnessed everything. Good thing Owen is 2 and probably won't remember the whole experience. After a series of unearthly grunts and statements that I wasn't having any more children Aiden was born in a matter of minutes. Kaylyn was a champion at running to and from the kitchen to grab different items that the midwife needed throughout the whole process. Trevor was stuck on the couch because there was no way I was going to loosen my Vulcan gripe during those minutes. Aiden, you must of been positioned perfectly because your momma did not tear at all down yonder! This was a first! I got to hold you right away and we all kinda just hung out for a half hour because for some reason the contractions suddenly stopped after you were born so it took about a half hour and the help of a herb to birth out the placenta. Somebody went and woke up Jayce so that he could meet you too. Jayce had been asking for months when the baby was coming out. Overall the whole experience was perfect. I got to shower about an hour after and then just cuddle with you in my bed at my home while your Dad made your mom some egg, avocado toast! Aiden Spencer Bradford you were born on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 4:19 am. You weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and were 19 1/4 inches long. We love you so much and are so glad you are part of our family!
so Kaylyn quickly grabbed him and sat a few feet to the side and witnessed everything. Good thing Owen is 2 and probably won't remember the whole experience. After a series of unearthly grunts and statements that I wasn't having any more children Aiden was born in a matter of minutes. Kaylyn was a champion at running to and from the kitchen to grab different items that the midwife needed throughout the whole process. Trevor was stuck on the couch because there was no way I was going to loosen my Vulcan gripe during those minutes. Aiden, you must of been positioned perfectly because your momma did not tear at all down yonder! This was a first! I got to hold you right away and we all kinda just hung out for a half hour because for some reason the contractions suddenly stopped after you were born so it took about a half hour and the help of a herb to birth out the placenta. Somebody went and woke up Jayce so that he could meet you too. Jayce had been asking for months when the baby was coming out. Overall the whole experience was perfect. I got to shower about an hour after and then just cuddle with you in my bed at my home while your Dad made your mom some egg, avocado toast! Aiden Spencer Bradford you were born on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 4:19 am. You weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and were 19 1/4 inches long. We love you so much and are so glad you are part of our family!
Friday, May 27, 2016
Owen's Birth Story
So it has been a super long time since I have updated the good old blog! In fact the last post I did was Jayce's birth story. Which is super funny because Jayce is two now. I thought I would blog about how Owen made his entrance onto the planet we call Earth. Also before I started I just wanted to say that all women who have had a baby no matter what way that baby came is freaking amazing! Pregnancy, labor, and giving birth is intense! So to all the women out there I think you are powerful, brave, warrior women!
Owen Russell Bradford was born on Sunday, March 20th at 5:12 am. He weighed 8 pounds even and was 20 inches long. About three days before Owen's due date or guess date as some call it I decided I was done being pregnant. I informed Trevor of this Friday night and said that Saturday we were going to do everything to encourage this baby to come out. Jayce came five days before his due date so I was getting a little anxious. Saturday morning we started by cleaning the garage. After we were done we then started cleaning up the yard. We weeded all the flower beds, cleaned out all the window wells and under the back porch. By the time we were done we were tired and I was having a contraction here and there but they weren't consistent. So after lunch we decided to go to Home Depo. When we got to the parking lot my contractions weren't close but they were a little more intense. I stayed in the Rav4 and wiggled around while Trevor and Jayce looked at trees at Home Depo. When we got home from Home Depo me, Trevor, and Jayce made and ate dinner. Trevor then suggested we go for a car ride out to Three Peaks in Cedar. So we drove around the bumpy roads for a hour or two. When we finally got home it was 10 pm. I had been having contractions here and there but they weren't very close. So I then got all pretty and we did the intimate thing that married couples do because man something had to get things going. Afterwards Trevor went to sleep and I layed down. I woke up a little bit later because my contractions were getting a little more painful and I was still partially in denial that things were happening. So I called my brother Justin to let him know he was on standby to come pick up Jayce when it was go time. This was about midnight. Afterwards I really couldn't fall back asleep so I got out the good old trusty yoga ball and bounced and leaned over whenever a contraction hit. I even pulled out my hospital bag that I had packed and started eating my special snacks (cups of fruit, cookies, candy) that I had gotten specifically for when I was in labor. A girl has to keep her strength up you know. At around 2 am I noticed that my pajama bottoms were soaked so I woke up Trevor and informed him that my water had broke and that it was go time. I called Justin and started to gather my things together. I was actually really calm about the whole thing. Justin got to our house around 2:30 am and gathered up Jayce. That silly brother of mine kept trying to ask me questions while I was in the middle of a contraction. I kept having to tell him to wait, Apparently I look way too calm when I am in labor. Whatever. Me and Trevor finally started on our way to the hospital around 3 am. The whole ride there I kept telling Trevor I don't think I am really in labor and he would say just wait a few minutes and then I would have a contraction again and then I would moan a little bit and say nevermind. At this point they were only four minutes apart. Trevor parked the car and we calmly walked through the emergency entrance and checked into labor and delivery. I asked to be checked and again I had trouble with that darn hospital gown. I don't even know why I bother because I just rip it off later anyways. When the nurse confirmed I was dilated to a 6-6.5 I asked if I could be moved to the room with the jetted tubes and have a yoga ball since I wasn't getting an epideral. She was super nice and lead me right there. For the next hour I happily sat in the jetted tub while Trevor took a quick nap. We officially got all settled in at the hospital at 3:30 am. A little past 4 am my CNM (certified nurse midwife) Laurie came in and asked if I wanted to have a baby now. I said you betcha! She checked me and I was dilated to about an eight and broke the last bit of my water and ta da I dilated right to a 10. Things really did go quicker the second time around for me! Since I was fully dilated she said I could start pushing with contractions whenever I was ready. So the nurse raised the bed up a little bit for me and I turned around onto my hands and knees and started to push with the contractions. Oh man did I forget what it felt like to have a baby start to crown in your yahoo. They call that the ring of fire time for a reason man. That is the one time that I wish I had done an epideral! I can handle regular contractions alright but the ring of fire man is intense. Luckily Owen was facing the right way so the CNM didn't have to turn him like she had to with Jayce. I also don't swear when I am pushing out a baby either but I really am not much of a swearer on a regular basis either. However, whenever I was pushing I kept yelling that I was not having any more kids! The whole ring of fire/ pushing ordeal only took about 5 minutes though so it really wasn't too bad. Although this time my hips were killing me while I was pushing so the CNM had Trevor come over and push my hips together whenever I started to push. Surprising that did bring some relief. I love my CNM she makes the daddies work! Trevor also helped deliver Owen and cut the cord which was super cool. Right after Owen came out I pulled him right up to my chest while I was still on all fours. I just kept saying I love you! I love you! It was a super cool and powerful experience and a little less stressful then Jayce's birth was because I kinda knew what to expect this time around. Afterwards I just held Owen and Trevor fell back asleep. We got to the hospital a little after 3 am and Owen was born at 5:12 am. Overall everything went really fast this time! After I was done holding Owen and nursed him for a little bit I took a lovely shower by myself and had breakfast. Trevor was passed out on the couch all through this, I was on an aderaline high the whole next two days. Mommy, Daddy, and big brother Jayce love you so much Owen! We are so glad you have joined our family!
Owen Russell Bradford was born on Sunday, March 20th at 5:12 am. He weighed 8 pounds even and was 20 inches long. About three days before Owen's due date or guess date as some call it I decided I was done being pregnant. I informed Trevor of this Friday night and said that Saturday we were going to do everything to encourage this baby to come out. Jayce came five days before his due date so I was getting a little anxious. Saturday morning we started by cleaning the garage. After we were done we then started cleaning up the yard. We weeded all the flower beds, cleaned out all the window wells and under the back porch. By the time we were done we were tired and I was having a contraction here and there but they weren't consistent. So after lunch we decided to go to Home Depo. When we got to the parking lot my contractions weren't close but they were a little more intense. I stayed in the Rav4 and wiggled around while Trevor and Jayce looked at trees at Home Depo. When we got home from Home Depo me, Trevor, and Jayce made and ate dinner. Trevor then suggested we go for a car ride out to Three Peaks in Cedar. So we drove around the bumpy roads for a hour or two. When we finally got home it was 10 pm. I had been having contractions here and there but they weren't very close. So I then got all pretty and we did the intimate thing that married couples do because man something had to get things going. Afterwards Trevor went to sleep and I layed down. I woke up a little bit later because my contractions were getting a little more painful and I was still partially in denial that things were happening. So I called my brother Justin to let him know he was on standby to come pick up Jayce when it was go time. This was about midnight. Afterwards I really couldn't fall back asleep so I got out the good old trusty yoga ball and bounced and leaned over whenever a contraction hit. I even pulled out my hospital bag that I had packed and started eating my special snacks (cups of fruit, cookies, candy) that I had gotten specifically for when I was in labor. A girl has to keep her strength up you know. At around 2 am I noticed that my pajama bottoms were soaked so I woke up Trevor and informed him that my water had broke and that it was go time. I called Justin and started to gather my things together. I was actually really calm about the whole thing. Justin got to our house around 2:30 am and gathered up Jayce. That silly brother of mine kept trying to ask me questions while I was in the middle of a contraction. I kept having to tell him to wait, Apparently I look way too calm when I am in labor. Whatever. Me and Trevor finally started on our way to the hospital around 3 am. The whole ride there I kept telling Trevor I don't think I am really in labor and he would say just wait a few minutes and then I would have a contraction again and then I would moan a little bit and say nevermind. At this point they were only four minutes apart. Trevor parked the car and we calmly walked through the emergency entrance and checked into labor and delivery. I asked to be checked and again I had trouble with that darn hospital gown. I don't even know why I bother because I just rip it off later anyways. When the nurse confirmed I was dilated to a 6-6.5 I asked if I could be moved to the room with the jetted tubes and have a yoga ball since I wasn't getting an epideral. She was super nice and lead me right there. For the next hour I happily sat in the jetted tub while Trevor took a quick nap. We officially got all settled in at the hospital at 3:30 am. A little past 4 am my CNM (certified nurse midwife) Laurie came in and asked if I wanted to have a baby now. I said you betcha! She checked me and I was dilated to about an eight and broke the last bit of my water and ta da I dilated right to a 10. Things really did go quicker the second time around for me! Since I was fully dilated she said I could start pushing with contractions whenever I was ready. So the nurse raised the bed up a little bit for me and I turned around onto my hands and knees and started to push with the contractions. Oh man did I forget what it felt like to have a baby start to crown in your yahoo. They call that the ring of fire time for a reason man. That is the one time that I wish I had done an epideral! I can handle regular contractions alright but the ring of fire man is intense. Luckily Owen was facing the right way so the CNM didn't have to turn him like she had to with Jayce. I also don't swear when I am pushing out a baby either but I really am not much of a swearer on a regular basis either. However, whenever I was pushing I kept yelling that I was not having any more kids! The whole ring of fire/ pushing ordeal only took about 5 minutes though so it really wasn't too bad. Although this time my hips were killing me while I was pushing so the CNM had Trevor come over and push my hips together whenever I started to push. Surprising that did bring some relief. I love my CNM she makes the daddies work! Trevor also helped deliver Owen and cut the cord which was super cool. Right after Owen came out I pulled him right up to my chest while I was still on all fours. I just kept saying I love you! I love you! It was a super cool and powerful experience and a little less stressful then Jayce's birth was because I kinda knew what to expect this time around. Afterwards I just held Owen and Trevor fell back asleep. We got to the hospital a little after 3 am and Owen was born at 5:12 am. Overall everything went really fast this time! After I was done holding Owen and nursed him for a little bit I took a lovely shower by myself and had breakfast. Trevor was passed out on the couch all through this, I was on an aderaline high the whole next two days. Mommy, Daddy, and big brother Jayce love you so much Owen! We are so glad you have joined our family!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Family Wedding, Baby, Craziness
As I am sitting here typing there is a little voice in my head that says I should be sleeping while the baby is, but I wanted to update the good old blog instead. Big announcement in case anybody missed it, our cute, son Jayce Everett Bradford was born on April 25 at 12:11 pm weighing 7 pounds and 6 ounces ( a midget my eye!:) The events of that week were nothing short of craziness. What else can you expect being a Bradford though! On Tuesday the 22 I decided that I was going to drive up with Trevor because I did not want to miss out on his brother's wedding. Trevor had also acquired some free tickets to the new living planet aquarium up in the Salt Lake area. The tickets included a nice dinner and free admission to the aquarium. It was fun looking at all the water creatures. My favorite was the water otters! My sister Rachel also got to tag along. The next morning was the wedding. I woke up feeling just dandy and was getting myself all beautiful when Trevor called and said he had found a truck. Now we had been looking for a second vehicle for awhile but Trevor happened to find one for a killer deal and was going to buy it right then. The only problem was, was we were supposed to pick up Trevor's mom for the wedding ceremony and drive to American Fork. Our timetable to get the money from the bank (the seller wanted cash), buy the truck, and pick up Trevor's mom was only 30 minutes. Somehow it all worked out and we made it to the wedding ceremony on time. As the ceremony went on I noticed I was having some slight cramping and it seemed to get steadily worse. Thankfully, I drank some water and the cramping went away. Spent the rest of the day going to the wedding luncheon, doing pictures (not my favorite at 39 weeks pregnant), being at the reception and royally destroying my brother in laws vehicle. It included some live goldfish in a little pond, two live ducks, window markers, rice cereal, Oreos, and other materials to make the car all beautiful inside and out. I did not feel any remorse because I vividly remember the turtle, dead fish, and frogs at my wedding, courtesy of the same brother in law.:) The next morning I work up at 5:40 am to some sharp cramping. I spent the next two hours walking around my parents house and would throw myself over a cushion when it got intense. At around 8:30 am I told Trevor that we needed to start driving down to Cedar because I did not want to have my baby up north. So we got in our new truck, told the family goodbye, and started driving down to Cedar. My contractions as I then acknowledged what they were, were only about 20 minutes apart. Surprisingly the drive down to Cedar was not that bad. I had plenty of leg room and the truck drove smoothly. We did stop in Fillmore briefly so I could use the restroom. It was then I noticed I was leaking a tiny bit. Trevor asked it we needed to stop at the hospital there, but I said no I want to be in Cedar. We made it to Cedar around noon and he again asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. I told him no and that I was hungry. So we drove through Costa Vida and got me a raspberry chicken salad. It was delicious. I then spent the rest of the day with Trevor watching Disney movies and rolling on my yoga ball. At around midnight I told Trevor that we should probably try to get some sleep. He fell right asleep and I tried. The contractions were getting more intense and closer together. However, I did not want to go to the hospital yet because I just knew they were going to send me home. So I climbed in the tub instead. At around 3:00 am Trevor woke up to me whimpering and said lets just go to the hospital the worse they are going to do is send you home. I finally agreed and off we went. I even waited while he parked the car because I did not want to go in by myself. We walked in to Labor and Delivery and I asked if I could be checked. A nice nurse led me to a room and handed me a gown to change into. The whole time I was telling Trevor they are just going to send me home. I also couldn't figure out how to put on that complicated hospital gown. It finally took me, Trevor, and the nurse to get it on. I was then checked. The nurse smiled and said honey you are not going home you are at about 6 cm right now. I couldn't believe it, I thought it was supposed to be more intense. The nurse called my CNM to let her know I was in labor and checked in. The nurse then asked me if I wanted an Epideral and I said no thank you. I did ask for a yoga ball and if I could get in the tub and they got me a ball right away and let me climb in the tub. Which was wonderful. For the next couple of hours I switched between the tub and the yoga ball while I listed to my Hypnobabies tracks (which is the best program ever if you ever want to give birth drug free!) The nurse would come in about every 20 minutes to hook me up to the heart machine so they could check on the baby and then they would unhook me and let me go back to doing my thing. I had the best labor nurses ever! At around 8 the nurse asked if I wanted to be checked and I said sure, I was then at an 8 1/2 cm At around 10:30 am my CNM showed up, she had told the nurses to let me know if I wanted her earlier she would come right in. I was doing okay dokey so she decided to come check on me. She check me again and I was still at 8 1/2 cm. She then noticed that my water was not really broken yet. She said I was probable leaking because there was probably a tiny leak on top. She suggested breaking my water to move things along. At this point I had been in labor for 28-29 ish hours. I agreed. Surprisingly it didn't hurt. In no time I was at 10 cm and ready to start pushing. Since I didn't have an epideral the nurse and CNM let me get in multiple positions on the bed. Some of the time I was on my side, on my back, on all fours, you name it I probably did it. I also ripped off my hospital gown in the middle of it because the darn thing was just in the way. That's right ladies and gentlemen I was in the nude and I didn't even care. Throughout the whole thing the nurse, CNM, and Trevor were so calm. Even though I made some pretty loud animal grunts and yelps. I do remember them checking the babies heart rate often and the CNM saying that the baby was facing down, but was turned the wrong way so she had to stick her hand up my yahoo to turn him. I did let out a screech then when she did that. I also remember telling Trevor that this was intense between the sips of apple juice that he was giving me. The CNM said that I really needed to get the baby out so I hunkered down on all fours and grunt/ pushed with all my might and ta da the baby slipped out! Later Trevor told me that the baby had the cord around his neck and the nurse and CNM were whispering debating about doing an episonomy if I didn't get that baby out soon. As soon as the baby came out about five more people whisked into the room. I was helped onto my back given a quick shot in the leg to slow the bleeding and handed my beautiful baby boy. As I was holding him the respiratory therapist checked him out. The CNM also informed me that I had some second degree tears so she was going to stitch me up. The numbing shots she gave me caused me to yelp some more. Luckily I had my baby and adrenaline
to distract me through most of it. She kept having to tell me to not push out my leg because she needed to see what she was sewing up. Overall, the whole giving birth thing was a bit intense, but me and the baby are happy and healthy. Trevor was super calm and positive through the whole thing (even with all that blood!) Now it has been 2 weeks and the hard part is just starting, but it is going to be an awesome adventure! Mommy and Daddy love you little Jayce man! PS Jayce also made it out into the world in time to see his daddy graduate! We watched Trevor walk from the bell tower to the auditorium. He earned a Bachelors degree in Information Systems. Super proud of you honey!!!!!
to distract me through most of it. She kept having to tell me to not push out my leg because she needed to see what she was sewing up. Overall, the whole giving birth thing was a bit intense, but me and the baby are happy and healthy. Trevor was super calm and positive through the whole thing (even with all that blood!) Now it has been 2 weeks and the hard part is just starting, but it is going to be an awesome adventure! Mommy and Daddy love you little Jayce man! PS Jayce also made it out into the world in time to see his daddy graduate! We watched Trevor walk from the bell tower to the auditorium. He earned a Bachelors degree in Information Systems. Super proud of you honey!!!!!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Midgets, Names, and Specialists
Ladies and Gentlemen I am now 35 weeks along! Whahoooo! Getting really excited to meet my baby boy outside my tummy! The little guy is still measuring small so I have gone to another extra ultrasound and my doctor made an appointment for me to go see a Perinatologist (prenatal specialist) in St. George Thursday. Since me and Trevor are down to one vehicle I get to take the day off work and hang out with him at his work til our appointment. Which isn't too bad because we are planning on going to the temple afterwards and I bet I can convince him to take me out to dinner! I love food! When I came home from my appointment I was way weepy and of course thought of the worst case scenario. My forever optimistic husband pointed out if my doctor was really worried she would have set up an appointment the next day, or they would make me deliver the baby right then and there. Our doctor would just rather be safe than sorry. Plus, Trevor mentioned we are now down to seven names (Sleepy, Doopy, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Grumpy, and Sneezy.) Ya my husband is a goofball, but he makes me laugh. Besides being a midget the baby sure likes to soccer punch me in the ribes and stretch out my tight tummy on a daily bases. Oh ya! Our crib came today! Although, it is so big I am having a hard time pushing it into my house, guess I will just have to wait til Trevor gets home to set it up. Eight months pregnant problems. In other news everything is going great. Still working part time as a skills coach at Canyon View Middle School (work with students who have behavior or academic problems). So glad babies don't come out as 12 and 13 year olds at first, or else nobody might ever have children.:) I called my dad the other day and thanked him for spanking me and for putting the fear of god into me if I did something bad as a kid. (In no way was I abused or promoting child abuse.) He kept laughing through the whole conversation and said it was so funny to hear me say that now. Planning on raising my kids the same way.:) Trevor is doing well, down to his last month of school and will graduate in May! Yay!!!!! He is still working full time for Hinton Burdick as an IT manager and his and his brother's Wes' computer business Symtec is really taking off down in Southern Utah. He can't wait for the day when he can go full time at Symtec. I told him when we have full insurance and can cover bills he can. Still makes me a little nervous, but I am super proud of all he is doing for our family now and for our family in the future. We decided to put up our house in Spanish Fork for sale (we currently have renters now) so we can start looking to buy a home here in Cedar City. Yup, we have decided that Cedar City is a pretty good place to live and raise a family. It also is still in the state of Utah and is only a three hour drive from our parents. Which in retrospect isn't bad at all! Life is still good. Here are some photos!
Homemade Chicken Cordon Bleu, Trevor said it was delicious!
Me at 35 weeks pregnant.
Homemade Chicken Cordon Bleu, Trevor said it was delicious!
Me at 35 weeks pregnant.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
February 2014 Update on Baby Boy and Life
I have just read my last blog and realized that I was a little bit crazy and hormonal. That being said I am still crazy and hormonal so this blog might be a little goofy too. Update on what has been going on with the little baby. He is now almost 29 weeks in the belly. Oh yes he is a boy!!!! We are super duper excited!!!! I have switched providers. I now have a CNM (certified nurse midwife). Yes she does deliver at the hospital and yes she can do everything medically that an OB can do except surgery (which is why there is always an OB on call when one of her patients goes into labor just in case.) I love her!!! Might be a little biased because she is a woman and I have felt super comfortable with all my prenatal visits. That being said I decided not to get the butt shot. She did let me know the same reasons as the previous OB, but was a lot more tactful about it. She also strongly suggested that if I was sure that Trevor was a negative blood type to look up his medical mission records because that would show his blood type, and to also have his blood drawn at the hospital to show his blood type. She said it is better to have two solid sources then to be sorry later. So we did just that. Man though, Trevor sure whined about having his blood drawn. All they did was put a little needle in his arm and drew two, little vials of blood, you would have thought he was dying. I told him I didn't feel the least bit sorry for him because I was the one having the baby and had to already have numerous needles poked into me throughout this pregnancy. He just smiled after that.:) The little baby sure likes to kick, roll, and do every ninja move possible in my belly. The other day I had Flower (one of my guinea pigs) sitting on my belly and the baby decided to do a giant roll. The result was Flower freaked out. It was funny. (The little guy loves animals already!) We get to also go in for another ultrasound next Tuesday. According to our CNM the baby is measuring a little small so she wants to be sure he is developing okay. Apparently I had this really worried look on my face because she quickly added to not stress about it and it is probably just he is a small baby because he has small parents. Can't argue with that.:) Was still a little worried about it though, but according to my brother in law it just means he is going to be a midget. That way when he is a teenager and we are sick of him we can still pick him up and put him in timeout. That made me laugh. Whew, that is all the current baby stuff. Other news that has been happening in the family is Wes (Trevor's brother) got engaged to the beautiful Annie last month and they are getting married in April! Yay! Symtec, the computer company that Trevor and Wes put together, has finally moved their office from my house to a real office space in town! Which means no more random techs popping up at my house when I am still in my jammies! That room is now slowly being turned into the baby's room. Still work at the middle school every day and sub at the girls ranch every now and then. Overall life is pretty good.:)
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